Sunday, 22 July 2012

Paul not a fan of concept album!!!

Paul Weller admits to not liking concept album and not a fan of it.

While talking with Absolute Radio, the singer songwriter expressed that he believes individual tracks to give a whole story – much like his heroes Ray Davies and Pete Townshend did.

Weller said: “I’ve never been a fan of the concept album. I always saw more of a conceptual link in some of [The Kinks'] Ray Davies’ singles and some of [The Who's] Pete Townshend’s early songs, they were more interesting to me. It was more of a challenge to try and fit those ideas into three minutes, you know, than a double album.

“I like all sorts of songs, but I do like story songs as well, I think it’s a quite a challenge to write that and make it condensed.”

Discussing his most recent album, ‘Sonik Kicks’, he said: “[The response to the album] has been amazing. I mean, you never know what to expect, obviously, and I’ve been really pleased with it. Yeah, I can only really judge it on when we’ve been playing it live and it seems to have really gone down with people. It’s good.”