Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Paul Weller sick of bands re-unions!!

Paul Weller believes that so much re-union of bands can destroy the music industry as it is preventing new comers to come up and establish themselves.Paul express his views that he is sick of band re-unions.

He said: ''It drives me potty to be honest and I'm sick of seeing it.

''It is big business at the moment and I find it really disappointing and I think all the time that is spent on bands reforming and nostalgia.

''What about new bands, or young bands, coming in which don't get a look in.

''I don't know what the reason is. Why is it so prevalent? Is it because people stick to what they know or what they are comfortable or safe with?

''But I think I come from a time when all the artists I grew up with and I loved always used to try and push the boundaries and there doesn't seem to be so much of that really.

''It is the same sort of thing and I find it disappointing.''

Friday, 3 August 2012

Paul Applaud For Bradley Wiggins!!!

Paul Weller's praise for Bradley WigginsGold medal-winning cyclist Bradley Wiggins has been praised by Paul Weller at a London concert last night (01.08.12).

As part of the Converse Represent series of concerts,Paul performed show at London's 100 Club and expressed small crowd - which included Beady Eye rocker Liam Gallagher - he was delighted to see a ''fellow stylist'' do so well at the 2012 Olympics.

Paul gets connected with the crowd of 350 and said: ''It's great to be back in London. It's been a while.''

On other side Paul's daughter Leah Weller tweeting to say: ''Watching my dad at the 100 club! Great atmosphere!''

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Paul not a fan of concept album!!!

Paul Weller admits to not liking concept album and not a fan of it.

While talking with Absolute Radio, the singer songwriter expressed that he believes individual tracks to give a whole story – much like his heroes Ray Davies and Pete Townshend did.

Weller said: “I’ve never been a fan of the concept album. I always saw more of a conceptual link in some of [The Kinks'] Ray Davies’ singles and some of [The Who's] Pete Townshend’s early songs, they were more interesting to me. It was more of a challenge to try and fit those ideas into three minutes, you know, than a double album.

“I like all sorts of songs, but I do like story songs as well, I think it’s a quite a challenge to write that and make it condensed.”

Discussing his most recent album, ‘Sonik Kicks’, he said: “[The response to the album] has been amazing. I mean, you never know what to expect, obviously, and I’ve been really pleased with it. Yeah, I can only really judge it on when we’ve been playing it live and it seems to have really gone down with people. It’s good.”