British bookmakers lost around £100,000 after a flurry of betting suggested Paul Weller's name had been leaked as a Brit winner.
Leading bookmakers stopped taking bets on this year's Brits awards after a number of £50 bets were placed on Paul Weller to win the best solo male award at several William Hill outlets in London within a short space of time.
William Hill, Ladbrokes, Paddy Power and Tote were among the bookmakers to suspended betting on the music awards ceremony but around £100,000 was still lost in the industry...
Seven men placed bets in London and Guilford, close to Weller's birthplace in Woking, raising suspicion that the leak may have come from the pre-recorded interview carried out for the Jam star's Brit acceptance speech.
"It was our music department's worst night for years," the spokesman said. "It's highly unlikely we'll be betting on the Brits again as there is no doubt the results are circulating up to a week before.
"The fact Paul's' interview was pre-recorded suggests people had been tipped off," the spokesman continued.
William Hill bosses stressed they do not believe Weller had any involvement in the scam.